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Soap Dispenser: 3 Ways to Add High Class and an Exotic Look to Your Home FAST

Writer: Margaret J. GillispieMargaret J. Gillispie

There is something that EVERYONE out there will agree on. It’s true. Having great hygiene is not just recommended, but pretty mandatory these days.

You wouldn’t dream of showing up to work, or to a fancy party without brushing your teeth, your hair, or without showering for a week, would you? Well, I certainly hope not. So why would you buy a cheap, plastic soap dispenser for your bathroom décor? Why not spend a little extra time and effort and pick out high quality (and very exotic looking) soap dispenser instead?

Today, I will show you the three most popular ways to add a high-class soap dispenser to your home bathroom (or even kitchen area). You would be surprised that you can add a soap dispenser easily yourself without the help of a “trained professional.” It takes a few minutes of your time too.

So let's get started.

Here are the three best ways to easily add high class and best soap dispenser to your home bathroom…fast!

Method #1) Permanently Installed Soap Dispenser Fixture

Ok, unfortunately, this method is only available if you already own your own home. This soap dispenser will be a permanent fixture to the wall, and most apartment managers will not allow tenants to do this. BUT, if you do have your own home…go right ahead and use this soap dispenser method!

In fact, you can also put this in the shower right from the wall, next to the bathroom sink, or even in the kitchen sink area too. It keeps things looking much healthier and more clutter-free than the “on the counter” type of soap dispenser. The other amazing thing about this soap dispenser method is that it holds a LOT more liquid soap than the other two soap dispenser methods simply because of the way it is designed and installed. So go ahead, go crazy…and put in tons of soap!

Method #2) “Stick It” Style Soap Dispenser!

So let’s say you DON’T have your own home. Don’t feel bad. Many people don’t. So instead, let’s do the “STICK IT” method of the soap dispenser. This is a soap pump, and it is pretty flexible. The installation steps are also much simpler and cheaper to do than the “permanent method” soap dispenser listed above. Grab some screws, bolts or tape, and you can easily “STICK IT” to the wall…so easy a child could do it!

Method #3) Automatic Soap Dispenser Method

With the automatic method, you simply stick your hand under the soap dispenser, and POOF! A wad of soap will “magically” come tumbling out right out of the soap dispenser and into your hand. This method is used in public bathrooms, offices or school settings. It makes it less messy and gives out a certain amount of soap every time.

So there you have it, the three most popular ways to get a soap dispenser into your life, with as little headaches as possible. It would be insane not to try it…at least once!



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